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Mission of the Child Care Program

The WCSSSD Aftercare Program at Washington Borough Schools is committed to assist parents after school hours by providing a safe, as well as fun, environment for the children.

• Children from pre-kindergarten to sixth grade will be supervised in a safe environment by adults employed by WCSSSD.

• Children will participate in outdoor/indoor activities.

• A childcare staff member will be available to offer limited homework assistance.

Program Description

The After Care program is housed in the Taylor Street and Memorial Schools and runs from dismissal to 5:30 pm daily.

Daily curriculum activities will vary. Homework assistance will be available, as needed. In addition, students have an opportunity to participate in table games or an indoor/outdoor activity, contingent upon weather and available staff; and view appropriate movies.

• Students attending the Child Care Program MUST demonstrate self-management skills. (Personal aides cannot be provided to support students in the program.)


Who is eligible to join?

Any student of the Washington Boro schools in grade PK-6 is eligible to register for the program.  Applications must be completed, approved, and on file for a child to attend.  If an unregistered child attempts to enter the program, the child will be sent to the office and the parent will be called.

What are the hours of service?

The program will operate until 5:30 pm on all days of service.  Children must be picked up by 5:30 from each building (plan accordingly if you have children in both schools).  Late fees will be assessed for any pickups after 5:30 in accordance with the terms described in the handbook.

What days do you operate? 

The program operates every day that school is in session, starting with the first full day of school, with a couple of exceptions.  There will be no service the day before Thanksgiving, the day before winter recess, and the day before spring recess.  There will also be no service on the last day of school.  A full calendar can be found by clicking HERE or by navigating to the Calendar page in this section.

What about early-dismissal days?

As long as it's a day that we're open (see above), we operate from the end of the school day until 5:30.  The only exception would be that if school is closing early for weather or any other emergencies, there will be no aftercare.  We understand that it is challenging to react to an unexpected early closure, but this is in the best interest of everyone's safety.

When I get to the school, how do I pick up my child?

Please click HERE or navigate to the "Pickup Procedures" page for current detailed instructions.

Do you provide snacks?

No.  We have prioritized keeping the cost of the program as low as possible, so we do not provide snacks.  Families are welcome to send snacks in with their child(ren).

Do you provide any financial assistance?

At this time, we do not have access to any financial assistance programs or resources.

My child has an IEP, is he or she eligible for the program?

Any student of the Washington Boro schools is eligible for the program.  However, please be advised that this program is not part of the District's educational offerings, and participation in it is completely voluntary.  We do not have access to any of the school's support services during aftercare hours, nor do we employ anyone in that capacity.  As such, we cannot provide the individualized attention that some children may require.  If you feel this could affect you, please reach out to us to discuss whether we can be a good fit for your child.

How do you handle behavior issues?

For consistency, we will generally follow Washington Boro's code of conduct.  Behavior issues are handled by the staff using progressive and age-appropriate methods.  Should a behavior issue escalate to the point where a write-up is necessary, the parent will be notified and asked to sign the report.  Continued or excessive incidents of unacceptable behavior are grounds for expulsion from the program.

Do you have before care services?

Not at this time.  Most of our staff is coming from neighboring schools that end early enough to allow them to work our program.  Unfortunately, the other side of that means they are unavailable in the morning, as those schools start their day earlier. 

How much is the program?

Pricing for the 2024-25 school year is $220/month for September-June.  Due to the later end of the school year and the scheduled half-days (double-sessions for us), June will be the same price as the rest of the school year in 2024-25.  Payment is due on the 15th of the month prior to service (i.e. October's tuition is due September 15).  Your monthly payment serves as your confirmation that your child plans to attend (or not) in the upcoming month, and if not, gives us the opportunity to offer the seat to a waiting family as soon as it is available.  Please review the Finances page for more detailed information.

I only need the program on a drop-in basis or a couple of days a week - do you have an hourly or daily rate?

No, we only offer a monthly rate.  As part of the balance between staffing the program adequately and keeping the overall cost down, we do not have a margin for unpredictable attendance and fees.  Registered children are welcome to attend as desired, but their seat must be reserved and paid for the full month.

What happens when you reach capacity?

You are welcome to request a spot in the program at any time.  If we are at capacity, you will be placed on a waiting list, which will be called in the order each was added as spots open throughout the year.  Please see the registration page of this site for more detail.

What if I still have questions or need to reach out to someone?

Please use for all correspondence.