Compensatory Time
Procedures & Guidelines
Any compensatory time accrued must be documented on a compensatory time tracking form attached to your monthly attendance form at the conclusion of each month. Please retain a copy for your own records. Compensatory time reported in a delayed fashion may not be recognized.
Documentation of compensatory time on the monthly log must include the date, amount of time lost (in minutes) and the reason for the compensatory time. (If prep. time was lost, kindly list the name of the specialist who was absent as well as the reason, if known.)
When preparation time is lost due to the absent of a provider (i.e., music or art teacher, therapist, etc.), the administration may offer you an alternate preparation period, pending the availability of appropriate staff. It will be the prerogative of the staff member who lost his/her preparation period as to whether or not he/she prefers to have the make-up preparation period or to accrue the compensatory time. In either event, this time should still be recorded as compensatory time on your monthly log and the administration shall adjust the accrued time accordingly, based upon the wishes of the staff member and the availability of a certified provider.
All compensatory time accrued as well as compensatory time taken will continue to be tracked in the central office. Prior to accruing any compensatory time (except in the case where the specialist who is scheduled to provide your prep. period is absent or in the event of an emergency) you must call the Central Office to obtain prior authorization from an administrator.
If you have the need or desire to utilize some accrued compensatory time, you must call the Central Office to obtain prior authorization from an administrator and/or submit a leave request form as you normally would for leave requests. Any compensatory time that is taken without prior authorization will be recorded as unpaid leave.
If your class attends an assembly program/field day during a regularly scheduled preparation period, the teacher who normally provides the prep. for you during that period, should attend the assembly program/field day with the students. This should not cause you to accrue compensatory time.
Compensatory time must be taken (or compensated for) prior to June and may not be carried over into the next school year. Any compensatory time brought to the attention of the administration after June 30th may not be recognized for reimbursement.
When scheduling IEP meetings, all attempts should be made to hold them at times other than your preparation period so that unnecessary compensatory time is not accrued. If you are forced to schedule the IEP meeting during your prep. time you must have the advanced approval of the Principle in order to accrue the comp. time. The classroom aide may implement the instruction as per the teacher’s plans as long as there is a certified person present in the classroom. Please plan accordingly
If preparation periods are lost due to your attendance at workshops that are specifically mandated by the administration on a specific date, compensatory time may be accrued, however, if preparation periods are lost due to your attendance at workshops that were voluntarily scheduled and attended, this shall not constitute reason for compensatory time accrual. Likewise, if school is not in regular session (as in the county wide in-service day, ½ day in-services, snow days, delayed openings or early dismissals due to inclement weather, district-wide field day, etc.) there is no ground for “lost preparation time.”
If preparation time is lost due to an employee electing to take previous accrued compensatory time on a day that he/she normally receives preparation time, this lost preparation time may not be accrued as additional compensatory time.
Classroom and personal aides should be adequate trained to handle behavior problems in the teacher’s absence. Except in the case of an extreme emergency, comp. time should not be accrued due to a teacher’s involvement in student discipline. If your aides are not qualified to handle commonly occurring behavior problems, please report this to the Supervisor of Contract and Related Services.