8601 Pupil Supervision After School Dismissal

[See POLICY ALERT No. 179]


The Board of Education adopts this Pupil Supervision After School Dismissal Policy as a result of the New Jersey Supreme Court’s decision in Joseph Jerkins, an infant by his Guardian Ad Litem, Charles Jerkins; Charles Jerkins and Toni Jerkins, individually, v. Soweto Anderson; Kemba N. Anderson; John Does 1-10 (fictitious individuals) and ABC Corporations 1-10 (fictitious entities), and Board of Education of Pleasantville Public Schools and Rosemay Clarke.

The New Jersey Supreme Court, in Jerkins, indicated dangers exist for younger pupils at dismissal as children are susceptible to numerous risks, including negligent conduct, when leaving school property. Because of these risks, the Board of Education adopts and requires the implementation of Policy 8601 for the supervision of younger pupils after dismissal. The supervision provisions of Policy Guide 8601 are applicable to parents or legal guardians of pupils attending district-operated schools or programs in grades Pre-K to 8 who are not eligible for district-provided transportation after dismissal or are eligible and elect not to use district-provided transportation after dismissal.

Any parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of a pupil attending a district-operated school or program in grades [same grades as indicated above Pre-K to 8, where the pupil is not eligible for district-provided transportation or is eligible and elects not to use district-provided transportation after dismissal may request the school or program not release the pupil to walk home after dismissal unless the pupil is released to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or escort(s) designated by the parent(s) or legal guardian(s). The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) designated escort(s) must be at least 14 years old. The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) may designate up to 3 escorts. The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) requesting their child(ren) only be released to a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or parent(s) or legal guardian(s)-designated escort after dismissal must submit a completed Request for Supervision at Dismissal from School Form to the Principal or designee, or program administrator.

The Form shall be made available to parent(s) or legal guardian(s) in the beginning of the school year.

Only those parents or legal guardians requesting the school or program not release their child(ren) to walk home after school dismissal unless the child(ren) is released to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or designated escort need to complete the Request Form.

In order for the school administration to effectively implement the requirements of this Policy and to ensure the safety and security of pupils that will be released to a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or designated escort, the parental request shall be applicable for every school day and shall apply for a duration period of the entire school year. The Request Form must be re-submitted at the end of the duration period. In addition, a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) may rescind their Request by submitting a written request to the Principal or program administrator indicating the date in which the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) no longer requests the school provide supervision of their child(ren) after school dismissal. The child(ren) will be dismissed in accordance with typical dismissal protocol effective the date indicated in the rescinding request.

The Principal or designee, or program administrator upon receiving the Request for Supervision at Dismissal from School Form, shall notify the appropriate school staff member(s) who has supervision of the pupil at dismissal time at the end of the school day of the parent’s or legal guardian’s request. The supervising staff member that receives such notice shall retain supervision of the pupil when other pupils are dismissed from school at the end of the school day.

Each Principal or program administrator will develop and implement a written Pupil Supervision After School Dismissal Plan for their school building or program location. This Plan shall include the school building’s or program’s supervision procedures for pupils at the end of the school day to the designated area in the school building or program and the location of the designated area in the school building or program. The Plan shall be based on the school’s or program’s ability to provide supervision, the accessibility for the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or designated escort to pick-up the child without disrupting dismissal of the remaining school population, and other considerations unique to the school building or program location. The school’s or program’s Pupil Supervision After School Dismissal Plan shall be provided to all parent(s) or legal guardian(s) that have submitted a Request Form.

In the event the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or designated escort does not arrive to pick up their child(ren) after the dismissal time of school, the Principal or designee will attempt to contact the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) using the district’s emergency call procedures.

Note: A school district may elect to use Option 1 and/or Option 2 below. In the event the district uses both Option 1 and Option 2, the Policy should designate the option to be used in each school or program.

The pupil(s) shall be supervised by school staff in the designated area of the building and will only be released when the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or designated escort arrives to pick up the pupil and signs the pupil out of school.

In order to ensure the safety of other pupils being dismissed from school in accordance with typical school dismissal protocol, to limit interaction of parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or designated escorts with other pupils within the building, and to avoid traffic and vehicular safety problems outside the school building, the Principal or program administrator may prohibit the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or designated escort from entering the school building until a time period after school has dismissed or until school buses and other vehicular traffic have cleared the school site. This determination shall be made by each Principal or program administrator after considering the unique circumstances at the school building and the building’s typical dismissal protocol.

In the event of an emergency such that, when an unforeseen event prevents a parent or legal guardian or designated escort from arriving for the child(ren) at dismissal within the time period designated by the Principal or program administrator, the pupil will remain in the same location supervised by school staff in the school building until the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or designated escort arrives and signs the pupil out of school.

Adopted: January 29, 2008